a ride
Become a Sponsor Today!
Sponsoring one of Bike Pensacola’s monthly Slow Rides is a great way to attract new customers and position your business as one that cares about improving our community. Over the years, the Slow Ride has generated a huge buzz around Pensacola and continues to grow in numbers and impact, with anywhere from 250 - 450 riders typically in attendance.
Sponsorship of a monthly Slow Ride is available for just $1,200 and includes these benefits:

Bike Pensacola is a community partner of Pensacola Community Action Network (Pensacola CAN). Sponsorship checks should be made to Pensacola Community Action Network, a 501(C)(3)organization serving as Bike Pensacola’s fiscal sponsor.
Brings a large group of community-minded consumers to you, and they are encouraged to come early and stay after the Ride to shop, dine, or tour your business or insitution.
Includes extensive publicity of the event and your sponsorship through the Bike Pensacola Facebook page and notices to local media.
Includes up to three Facebook posts during the two weeks prior to the event about your business and sponsorship of the Ride.
Includes full event support by Bike Pensacola, including mapping of ride route, procurement of event insurance, organizing of ride leaders and sweeps, and other items in support of the Ride.